Dear Sailors,

We are halfway through the year and hopefully at even keel. The pump out
facility is now operational thanks to the great effort of Jimmy White.
We have not and will not retire the pontoon pumper as it still is functional
and can be used to pump out sinking boats as was done recently. We have
completed phase 1 of the landscaping plan and will continue with that effort
as time and money allow. We await the start of work to add the sail folding
area to dock 5.

Soon it will be time to elect new board members. Please consider service to
the club. We will lose two valuable board members

this year when Michael and Robin and Jimmy and Sue cast off for the Gulf.

If you have spent any time at the club this year you must applaud the
efforts of Mike Carron and Rich Harper in organizing and conducting the
racing and social events. Great job guys. On Saturday, July 13, Nelsapaloosa
II will take place. Plan on spending the day at the club cooling off in the
lake and then enjoying the festivities starting at 6pm or earlier. Our
thanks to the folks on dock 4 for hosting this event.

Since the first of the year we have had several new members added to the
club. These are: David and Jennifer Adams of Bella Vista; Buzz and Irene
Boyer of Rogers; Jennie and Miguel DeColores of Fayetteville; Jeremy Duck of
Fayetteville; Josh Hopkins of Fayetteville; Kate and Ralph Nesson of
Fayetteville; and Angela Nix and Terry Rosenbaum of Fayetteville. Please
introduce yourself to these new members and make them welcome.

Finally, a request to keep us from disfavor with the Corps and also to
eliminate a risk of injury. Do not leave power cords or extension cords
connected to dock outlets if the cord is not connected to your boat or to an
appliance on your boat. Although we have GFCI protection on the circuits,
defects in wiring do occur and a loose cord end in the water might end up
shocking or electrocuting someone. Just be safe and unplug the cords if not
in use.

Thanks. Hope to see you Saturday night.

Joe Benson





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