Commodore: Stan Collins

Stan has been involved with sailing clubs in his native Texas and in Arkansas since his college days (he doesn’t admit how long that’s been).  He has been a member of sailing clubs in Waco, Tyler Yacht Club and Beaver Lake Sailing Club.  In Tyler he served as Chairman of both Social & Racing Committees and held the offices of Vice Commodore and Commodore.  He recently served as Rear Commodore of the Beaver Lake Sailing Club and Chairman of the Social Committee.  Over the years his sailing inventory has included: Cyclone 13, Gloucester 16, South Coast 22, Chrysler 22, ODay 240 and currently a Hunter 306 (‘Genuine Draft’).  He has completed offshore sailing training courses in Corpus Christi, Texas and Tampa, Florida.  He and wife Tanya have enjoyed bareboating in the BVI on multiple occasions and hope to do much more!  They enjoy relaxing on Dock One aboard ‘Genuine Draft’.  “If you are on our dock you are always welcome to stop by for a visit & a cocktail or beer (Genuine Draft of course) while bar supplies last”.

Vice Commodore: Bill Corley

Bill has previously served four consecutive years on the BLSC board, including three previous forays as Vice-Commodore. He joyously races ‘Windfarm,” his Flying Scot (Sail #4027). Bill has sailed and raced with great skippers here on our NW Arkansas home waters. He’s also raced and cruised on the East Coast, and crewed on offshore passages in the Bahamas and Caribbean.

Rear Commodore: John Bourdine


Treasurer: Malcolm Williamson

Malcolm has been a member since 2018 and has a Catalina 27 on Dock 2, as well as a Mirage 236 racer/cruiser that will likely replace the Catalina. He lives in Fayetteville, where he has worked as a research associate in geospatial technologies and data analysis at UA for the last 32 years. “The Club has introduced me to wonderful friends, made me a much better sailor, and given me an outlet for my competitiveness in the form of racing. I wish I’d joined years ago!” Treasurer’s responsibilities include managing club dues, slip fees, expenses and overseeing club bookkeeping.

Harbor Master: Deanne Mayer

Deanne says, “I’m a long-time member who has served on committees, won a few races, made loads of friends… It takes a lot of manpower to keep our club running smoothly. If you have any questions about me or just want to chat, feel free to contact me.”

Recently Dianne was our official ‘cat herder’ where she managed our Racing Program for two years but has recently been elected to the new position of Harbor Master.

At Large Board Members

Richard Harper (Member At Large)

Mike Fagan (Member At Large)

Mark Jackson (Member At Large)

More to come.

Frans Schimper – Past Commodore

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In case you were wondering about how our board is structured, below are extractions from club bylaws and handbook that may be helpful in understanding responsibilities and who to contact with questions on who to contact or how to serve.

Commodore is responsible for the welfare of the Club. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Club at which he/she is present. He/she shall be chairperson of the Board of Directors, appoint committees as are required, and be exofficio a member of all committees.

Vice Commodore shall assume the office and title of Commodore in the case of the vacancy from any cause in that office, and shall assume the duties of the Commodore in case of the temporary absence or disability of the latter. The Vice Commodore shall be responsible for the general coordination and planning of the Club racing schedule and special Club races, the preparation of sailing instructions, and for committee boat organization and equipment (buoys, signal flags, stopwatch, horn, or cannon, etc.), and shall make arrangements for the procurement of trophies. He/she may appoint a Race Committee and a Protest Committee and supervise their activities.

Rear Commodore shall assume the office and title of Commodore in the case of vacancy from any cause in that office, should the Vice Commodore not be able to do same, and shall assume the duties of the Vice Commodore in case of the temporary absence or disability of the Vice Commodore. The Rear Commodore shall perform those duties normally assigned the Club Secretary, shall keep minutes of Club meetings, retain permanent records of all Club activities, and conduct all Club correspondence. On April 1 of each year the Rear Commodore shall compile and distribute to all members a complete list of active members as of that date. He/she shall report at the annual meeting next following his election, a summary of the activities of the Club during the preceding year.

Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of all dues and any other amounts due to the Club. He/she shall promptly disburse Club funds in payment of properly authorized Club indebtedness at the direction of the Commodore except that all expenditures in excess of an amount set by the Board of Directors must have prior approval of the Board of Directors. He/she shall prepare statements of (1) receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year and (2) assets, liabilities, and capital as of the end of the fiscal year. Following the close of the fiscal year, copies of these statements shall be made available to each regular member upon request of the Treasurer for the year reported and the Treasurer elected for the next year after the year reported. The latter shall be responsible for auditing the financial records of the former before the end of the first month of the new fiscal year. If the Treasurer is re-elected, the Commodore shall appoint an auditor. Records shall be kept up to date at all times. He/she shall report all members in arrears of dues or other indebtedness for more than (60) sixty days to the Board of Directors for such action as the Board deems necessary. The Treasurer shall be bound to operate in accordance with any policies and rules as specified by the Board of Directors, except when a prior contractual obligation which cannot be changed or modified exists.

Harbor Master shall act as Facilities Manager and chairperson of the House and Grounds and the Waterfront committees to ensure the facilities are maintained in a clean and safe condition. Two members at large shall work directly with the Harbormaster as Vice-chairs of each committee – one on the House and Ground committee and the other on the Waterfront committee. Responsibilities include daily operations of the club facilities and docks; management of employees and contractors working on site; oversight of repairs, maintenance, and capital improvements. Harbor Master shall schedule workdays, manage a list of workday projects, oversee projects for those that cannot attend scheduled workdays and record workday credits.

Members-at-large shall each be appointed as vice chair of one of the following standing committees of the Club and shall be responsible for the successful functioning of that committee.
Required: Waterfront, House and Grounds
Optional: Membership, Social, Racing, Finance, Long Term Planning

Immediate Past Commodore shall act as an advisor to the Commodore and shall act as regatta chairperson at all special events held at the Club, such as invitational regattas and area eliminations for US Sailing championships. He/she shall represent the Club and act as Club host at special class events held at the Club, such as district, inter-districts, etc.

The Commodore, with the approval by majority vote of the Board of Directors, may appoint members for each of the following committees to serve for one (1) year or until their successors are appointed:

  1. Waterfront
  2. House and Grounds
  3. Membership
  4. Social
  5. Racing
  6. Finance
  7. Long Term Planning

Waterfront Committee shall see to the maintenance and repair of the docks and boat ramp and recommend to the Board of Directors any long-range projects needed along the waterfront. This committee shall assign wet and dry storage of all boats at the Club.

House and Grounds Committee shall see to the maintenance and repair of the clubhouse, pavilion, workshop, parking areas, and roadways. This committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors any long-range projects needed relating to those facilities in their care and schedule periodic workdays for the general membership.

Membership Committee shall be responsible for promoting memberships in the Club, shall prepare rules and policies for the application of potential members for membership status and perform publicity duties as needed.

Social Committee shall be in charge of all entertainment in connection with regattas and special events or social functions held by the Club.

Race Committee shall make arrangements for and appoint the operating officials for all regular Club races, and shall be responsible for the conduct of races, scoring, handicap systems, and recording and posting of race results.

Finance Committee shall prepare the annual budget to be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. The Finance Committee shall also study possible means of additional income for the Club and, if necessary, arrange for financing and capital expenditure.

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